Grab bag


-The anisotropic pattern in the CMB changes as the universe expands as shown in Stuart Lange's senior thesis and in the subsequent paper.

-Bill Jones wrote one of his junior papers on the possibility that an unexpected correlation first observed by Kogut et al was in fact due to spinning dust.

-Interference of a single photon.


-A short write up on Keller's theory of geometric diffraction (GTD) applied to a ground screen with a rounded top. A minor numerical mistakes in one of the original papers is corrected and the notation is brought into line with modern usage. You can think of the top of a ground screen as a line emitter of radiation at a weighted average of the surrounding ground temperature. 

-There is a lot of literature on thermal blanketing of cryostats. This note gives the foundation for what we did on WMAP along with selected references. 

People and Places:

-Here is a picture of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope from when it was the only experiment in the area. I believe it was taken by Mark Halpern after a hike up Cerro Toco.

-This is Dave Wilkinson at the chalkboard and next to ``Galileo's Telescope," an old 2 inch optical telescope he kept in his office.

-A picture of me by Ted Lewis.

-Barth Netterfield and LP in Saskatoon circa 1993. The ground screen was designed and built by Dave Wilkinson.

-At the WMAP launch: Rashid Sunyaev, Dick Bond, and Dave Wilkinson  and Marian Pospieszalski, his daughter, and Dave. Marian designed the low-noise, wide-bandwidth amplifiers that made WMAP and many other CMB experiments possible.